derek jeter 3000 hit ball catcher
Marketers jump on Jeter 3,000 catcher -
DJ3K BLOG: Following Derek Jeter's Quest For 3,000 Hits - Gazettes.
Yankees Derek Jeter reaches 3,000 hits in style - The National.
Derek Jeter Gets Hit No. 3,000: A Home Run - Baseball Nation.
Jul 9, 2011. Derek Jeter just became the 28th member of the 3000-hit club.. I wouldn't be surprised to see a juiced ball sooner than later. .. Slideshow: Milestones to watch · Slideshow: Greatest catchers of all time · Slideshow: Toughest.
Derek Jeter pulls within 7 hits of 3000 -
Jul 9, 2011. Derek Jeter joined Wade Boggs in making his 3000th hit a homer. Here's how 27 of the 28 members joined the 3000-hit club.. Congratulations to MLB for JETER'S SPECIAL BALLS! Slideshow: Milestones to watch; Slideshow: Greatest catchers of all time; Slideshow: Toughest jobs in sports; Slideshow:.